Review: Priceless, praiseworthy program pushes performance

Trying the viral four-week Tik Tok workout program

I never liked going to the gym. It always felt so repetitive and frankly, got boring. I had zero accountability to go and no set routine to follow. 

Even when I would go with my gym partner, I would come up with all kinds of elaborate excuses to skip a day. 

That all changed, however, when my gym partner came in one day with a program at hand. 

The “X Rated” women’s fitness program, that we heard about from TikTok, is a four-week training program that is specifically designed to help women gain muscle mass in their glutes and hamstrings. 

Program workouts are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with different exercises and machines each day. 

Results were claimed to be proven if the workouts were kept up with while also balancing a good diet and calorie surplus.

Weeks one and two consisted of the same workout with week two adding extra weight and an extra set per exercise. Weeks three and four required different machines and exercises than the first two weeks, but followed the same concept as weeks one and two.

What I liked about the exercises were that they weren’t all the same number of sets and reps. Some were pyramids, some increased weight per set and others were as many reps as possible (AMRAP).

I’ve always had a fast metabolism, so even when I eat a lot, I burn it faster than most, making it hard for me to gain weight. 

Even taking a weight gainer protein powder, I have to stay consistent with a workout that is meant to achieve my goals. 

This workout was extremely tiring and I practically dreaded going to the gym from just looking at what was to come for that day, but the after soreness was something that was incomparable. I could both feel and see it working and that motivated me to keep pushing and finish. 

Most good things come at a cost, but with cost comes reward. The program cost $15 and we figured that wasn’t too pricey to not take a chance. 

After the four weeks, both my gym partner and I were able to see notable physical differences. Looking back at our before and after pictures, we both have more defined and full legs and look leaner all around.

I recommend this program to anyone who wants to gain weight, specifically muscle, for a fuller look. 

However, it will not work unless you push yourself to stick to a strict and filling diet each and every day, no matter how hard it gets.

For a starting point in a workout journey, it works wonders, even if it’s just for a month. 

If you can get through this program, any other program you choose after will be a breeze.