How to Adult: Dealing with the summer heat

Ways to protect yourself from the sun

If you are in the Kingsville area for the summer, you are aware of the violent heatwaves that have been ungracefully burning our entire body since the beginning of June. 

Whether you have been living in Texas all your life, or you just recently moved here, you will never get used to the heat. The least you can do is protect yourself from it. 

One of the most obvious ways to do that is by staying indoors. Check the forecast before you leave your home to see how hot the day will be. The sun is at its highest point in the sky at noon, and around 3 p.m., the heat will be intolerable. 

It is best that you stay inside as much as possible until after these times. The sun usually comes down after five, so try to go out after that if you want to enjoy the cool summer breeze. 

Try to avoid doing strenuous activities if  you are planning on spending most of you day outside unless you absolutely need to. If that is the case, pack something to drink for after. This brings me to the next topic on my list, staying hydrated. 

I have said it once and I will say it again, stay hydrated! This is one of the most important things you can do to prevent heat-related illnesses. suggests that individuals drink about seven to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water per day. If you are not able to drink all eight, it is okay if you are consuming some water.

If you need to be outside, protect yourself from the heat by wearing sunscreen. Any kind of SPF 40 or 50 sunscreen should work fine. Apply it on your face 30 minutes before you step outside. 

If you are spending most of your day outside, reapply sunscreen every two hours. If you are spending most of your day indoors, you should be fine with one layer.

Take action by keeping your home cool. Cover your windows by closing your blinds, curtains or drapes. This is an effective method, and it will make your home less hot. 

Turn on any kind of fan you have and turn the air conditioning down. Not only will you cool off, but you will also feel good. 

Wear appropriate clothing according to the temperature. Obviously, you can wear anything you like. However, lightweight, light-colored and loose fitting are recommended during this heat. It allows your skin to get more air, which can help you sweat less. 

Wearing jeans and long sleeves will make you sweat profusely; wear only if you absolutely need to. 

If there is any other tactic you can do to keep yourself safe, use it. This summer heat can be violent for some, take time to prioritize and protect yourself as much as you can from it.