2nd Jernigan Lecture Series presents CRT

Dr. Sciullo takes on topic 

Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) held the second Jernigan Library Lecture Series Spotlight Event on Wednesday, Oct.5, with Associate Professor of Communication Dr. Nick J. Sciullo presenting his lecture, “Who’s Afraid of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?” 

Over 50 attendees arrived to be enlightened more about the importance of having CRT in the classroom and to be inspired with the pieces of history being taught in the education system. 

Sciullo has published widely on race through a variety of books and academic journals. In 2021, he was awarded the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Productivity. Sciullo offered a few words on ways to help spread CRT. 

“One of the things that we need to do is to not be afraid to have conversations about race. One of the difficulties that I think we have is that race is one of those matters that you’re not allowed to talk about. Can’t talk about it at the dinner table. You’re scared to bring it up because you’re going to offend somebody. But if we encourage having racial discussions, we’re going to do a lot better dealing with race in competent ways,” Sciullo said. 

Kevinah Botello, a student who attended the lecture series, shared her thoughts on the topic and the event.  

“All students should learn about CRT. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, that’s the point. I was so glad to see that someone had a lecture on CRT here at TAMUK,” Botello said. 

CRT is about how racism has shaped America and its public policy, including housing segregation and criminal justice and how to right these past wrongs.  

Victor Gracia, a senior student, has been reignited to reexamine CRT.  

“I think people who are very influential in society are very threatened by CRT. They don’t want it to be taught and they don’t want people to know about it, because then they begin to question the mental nature of their society. They don’t want things to change,” Gracia said. 

In October, Sciullo will be presenting additional work on CRT at the ClassCrits Annual Conference at Texas Southern University.