How to Adult: Making Connections

You should get to know those around you

It can be difficult to meet new people and establish useful connections, but it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes all you need to do to network is to put your best foot forward. It can be easier to start small so it’s worth trying to strike up a conversation with the people around you if no one else had started one already.

Everyone tends to have one or two topics that they can relate to whether it’s a shared interest in a show or a favorite sport. Honestly you don’t even need to share interests to make a connection. It’s good to show that you’re paying attention to what someone is talking about even if you don’t entirely understand what they’re talking about. It’s a good sign of respect and they’ll be bound to notice it which could make working together a smoother process.

To further expand the range of folks that you meet and know, it would be good for you to visit and maybe even join the clubs affiliated with your interests and field of study. Doing so would make it significantly easier to meet like-minded individuals and help you get an advanced look into your field. Professionals you meet in clubs will be helpful connections and points of guidance for your future, but it’s important to not forget about your peers in the clubs. 

They can be untapped fountains of insight for concepts and ideas that you hadn’t considered before. Plus, they may also be acquainted with other people that you’re unfamiliar with which could further expand your network. It’s the same with the people that you see consistently as your further your degree. Your fields of study will most likely be shared so you should make a point to network within your classes with individuals that could one day be your colleagues in the field.

Outside of classes and clubs, it would be a good idea to go to events on campus or in the area to mingle with other organizations and people. Having perspectives and connections outside of what you study can help you get a better grasp on how other people see your field of expertise and will help you think outside of the box.

To go even further outside of the college (or not depending on your situation), you can try to connect with the people at your workplace. It’s a worthwhile endeavor especially if you’ve got an internship within your field. It’s important to take any opportunity you can to make a connection even if you don’t think it’ll be worth your time since you can never tell what the future holds.