I’ll figure out the rest of my life tomorrow 

I do not mean to brag, but if you look up the definition of “procrastinator” you may very well find a picture of me attached to it. 

If you have not guessed it yet, this column is on the list of things I have left to the last minute. However, I am putting this one off for a whole different reason.  

How does one fit in three and a half years of their life into 350 to 400 words?  

Having some time to reflect has strongly reiterated my belief that everything happens for a reason. TAMUK was not my first choice; it was not my second or third – it was not even my last.  

However, because I once again procrastinated, the deadline to apply to other colleges closed, and I was left with no choice but to apply here. I soon realized that attending TAMUK was inarguably one of the best decisions of my life, and I owe it all to procrastination.  

Whoever said to never mix business with pleasure clearly has not met my co-workers and friends at The South Texan. Thank you all for being pillars to lean on during stressful and successful times. The best memories have been made inside the four walls of Manning Hall, Room 165.  

To my adviser, Nicole Morris, thank you for giving me a chance. Your knowledge on journalism and your overall wisdom have shaped me into the woman I am today. I hope to continue making you proud.  

To Lauren Gallegos, I do not even know where to begin. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. Thank you for being my rock, a shoulder to lean on and one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with you. You have a massive, special place in my heart.  

To Nathaly Enriquez, thank you for being one of the loveliest people I have met. Like Lauren, you have done so much for me, and I will never forget that. Your kindness and generosity are something I aspire to have. Friendship is not measured by years, and you made me realize that.  

Last but certainly not least, I must thank my family. You all have seen me at my worst and best, and still shower me with constant love and support. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. I share my success with you, because if there are people I could not have done this without, it is you all. Not a day goes by where I do not thank the universe for putting you all in my life. I must have done a plethora of charitable deeds in my past life to have been blessed with such a loving family in this one. I owe you my life and more. I love you all, this one is for you.  

I do not condone procrastination, but I do have to say that making last-minute decisions has led me to live the best years of my life.