Review: “She said,” a film on the Weinstein Scandal

All it takes is one voice

Based on the book, the film “She Said” tells the story of two journalists and their fight to uncover the Harvey Weinstein scandal. The Weinstein scandal comes from the numerous sexual assault accusations and charges that had been provided by multiple women against Harvey Weinstein.

The film opens to a scene of a young woman in Ireland who stumbles upon a film crew that seems to kindly take her in but soon after it shifts to her running down the street enveloped in panic and fear. 

Fast forward 24 years, the world is in a frenzy as sexual assault accusations are aimed at Donald J. Trump. As the media begins to zero in on workplace assaults, journalist Jody Kantor stumbles upon multiple actresses who have claimed to have been assaulted while working with a director. Getting word from these actresses was easier said than done as many of them feared what a powerful man could do in retaliation. With the help of a fellow journalist, Megan Twohey, they work together in order to investigate what has really taken place under the film company. 

While the movie is depicted as drama or biography, it can be said that it is a truly powerful thriller. The saying of “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never related to a film more as this film gives voice to multiple stories and countless brave women. “She Said” not only follows the journalists throughout their journey at work but it shows how much effort and heart they put into the story as it begins to affect their home life. It dives into their multiple statuses of not only being a journalist but a mother and women as well. 

Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan both took the cake when it came to acting as they were able to express their frustration of wanting to get answers for the story. It felt as if you were right there with them waiting in anticipation for someone to stand up and speak the truth. It could also be said that many supporting actors gave the same effect such as Samantha Morton and Jennifer Ehle as they portrayed survivors of Weinstein. It was captivating to see them reveal their experiences not just through voice but through body language as it depicted the trauma that was endured. If you are one who likes riveting films that are based on truth, I recommend “She Said” as it will capture that inner journalist in you as well as your heart. “She said” can be streamed on Peacock now.