How to Adult: From Miss to Mrs.

A new last name for a new part of your life

You’ve met the person that you want to spend all of your days with and now you’re ready to become a Mrs. Whether you are modernist or traditionalist there is going to be some things that everyone needs to do when it is time to change their name.

Each state has their own way of handling the process of a name change, but for Texans it starts with a simple trip to the courthouse with your fiancé to buy a marriage license. A marriage license is the official paper you’ll need to prove to the state that you’re married after the big celebration happens and it is the only step you can complete before the big day happens. When the big day comes and goes, then it’s time to start the full process of changing your name in the eyes of the state. 

What is essentially ground zero for this process begins with the Social Security Administration office (SSA). Once  the SSA recognizes your name change then everyone else will.To get them to acknowledge the change you’ll need to download the application form for a new Social Security card and fill it out. After that you’ll need to get a certified copy of your birth certificate, driver’s license (or U.S. passport) and your signed marriage license.

Next up is getting a passport. Now there’s a couple different ways to do this, being that there are different forms to fill out depending on if you’ve had a passport or not. No matter what, there will always be the same couple of documents you will need to be able to complete this process – proof of identity, proof of a name change and a passport picture.

It is also time to get your new Texas Driver’s license. Doing this will require an in-person trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) but on the bright side the only document you’ll typically need for this update is your legal name change document. Some locations will require additional information from you so it’s always best to ask about that whenever you call ahead to make your appointment at the DMV.

Now you’ve completed all the hard stuff next up is the long list of places that you will need to contact in order change your name.

Places such as the post office, voter registration, your bank and credit card companies, utility companies, medical professionals, your vehicle registration and if you’re a student like me, your student administration office can take care of changing your name in their files.

If you’re still freaking out or worried about this slightly intimidating process, find someone who’s been through it recently and ask them if they have any tips or tricks on how to smooth out your experience.