Review: The reason why “All Dogs Go to Heaven”

Young releases two new songs that hint at a new album

Chris Young released two new songs, “Looking for You” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven” on Jan. 13.  Young released this song because he was inspired by his German Shepard, Porter. Young has had Porter since he was a puppy and he has stood by his side for all the ups and downs. This song is worth the listen for any dog lover but especially the ones who have lost an important four-legged friend. After the song concludes, you will be assured to know that all dogs do indeed have a place in heaven.

Young sings, “He’s always glad to see me, and sad to see me go, he’s the closest thing to pure love that I’ve ever known.”  I personally believe this verse must be the line of mixed emotion as a dog owner. In one hand, we understand that most of our dog’s lives are spent waiting for their owner to come home. We recognize no other creature will love you more than your dog.  No matter what you did or forgot to do, they never have a doubt of love for you.  

A dog is there for everything you go through and is always there to make you feel just a bit better.  Now more than ever, people choose to own a dog as a life companion.  We know they are the perfect illustration on how we should all live our daily lives: don’t take stuff too seriously, go for a walk it will calm you down and always find the happiness in every unique situation. 

This song hits close to home to me because since the day I got my beagle Oaklee, I simply cannot fathom the day I have to come home and she’s not waiting with her floppy ears and her tail wagging. As Young sings, “I know he’ll probably go before me, oh, and that’s the day I’m dreadin,” is for sure the day all dog owners hope never comes. 

After listening to this song, you’ll either shed a tear or you won’t, which I’m going to assume you just haven’t had a dog that has meant the world to you just yet. Nevertheless, I want you to go home and hug your dog a little tighter because we never what tomorrow will bring for us or them.