Ban assault rifles, not drag queens 

With firearms as the leading cause of death for children in the United States, our leaders need to shift their attention away from banning Drag Queens, to banning guns that harmed more than 6,000 children in 2022 alone.  

On March 27, a school shooting in Nashville took place during which three nine-year-old children and three adults were killed. The primary weapon used in this deadly assault was an AR-15. So far in 2023, there have been 17 school shootings in the U.S., more than any other country. Our politicians, especially those in the Republican Party, place greater value upon their right to own an AR-15 than the value of children’s lives. 

Recently many of those Republicans have set their sights on banning the art form that is drag in Texas and across the country. In Tennessee, a state Senate bill was passed deeming drag in the presence of children illegal. This puts anyone performing in drag at risk of a 15-year prison sentence if they are seen in any public area. Many who believe it necessary to ban drag, make an argument of “safety concern,” for their children but I view it as an attack the LGBTQ+ community.  

Legislation to ban drag is a waste of time and money. Children are statistically safer at a drag show than they are at a church today, yet no form of legislation has been passed to protect kids from sexual assault while there. It is blatant hate for the gay community that is driving bills like this to be passed. Other than drag, the government has been on a mission to ban TikTok, abortion and books that discuss racism or women’s rights. Our government is taking quick action to ban things they do not politically agree with but fail to pay attention to the real-life threat that is assault rifles. 

Ban assault rifles not Tik Tok. Ban assault rifles not books. Ban assault rifles, not women’s rights. Ban assault rifles, not drag.