Graduation makes the air harder to breathe 

Graduation for me brings uncertainty to the future in many aspects. The future is coming up on everyone who is graduating in the spring and the summer, and it is that feeling of “now what?”  that can really stop you in your tracks. We’ve all spent four or more years reaching this goal while studying for exams, tests, presentations and late-night labs to get to this place in our life. The people you’ve met along with the new things you have found out about yourself on the way has made this a journey you can’t forget. 

Now we are at the point where it is time to simply just move on from it all to contribute our own way to the world. The stress of finding and securing a job in your chosen career field can weigh heavily on a person because it’s as if you’re just now realizing “this is what I came to college for.” This was our life for four or more years and now the relationships we’ve built and the sort of home we’ve now come to know is something we must leave behind.  

That said, there are ways to make this process easy for you. The people you have come to know do not have to be lost to you on this road to a new beginning and you do not have to lose yourself on the way as well. Staying connected with the people you know is a great way to get through this. Also, as far as the world being your oyster now as a college graduate, remember who you are now after college and build off that and your interests. Knowing what you like and what you intend to do to incorporate that in your new everyday life will keep you grounded as well. Another important thing to try to focus on is making new connections during this phase in your life.

You did the same thing when you enrolled in university, and it will help you just the same now as it did before. This is the time for you to forge your path and use the degree you earned to benefit you. Graduations bring uncertainty but the path forward is what you can make it, truly.