Hoggie Days welcomes class of ’27 to campus

As the excitement of becoming a Javelina increases, the Student Union Building fills with incoming students and parents, and students visit student organization booths to see how they can be more involved on campus. 

Hoggie Days is the introduction to Javelina Nation during which incoming students are exposed to the campus, traditions and are registered for the fall semester.

“We teach the incoming students about taking pride in becoming a part of Javelina Nation, from the fight song to Js up,” Associate Director Omar Pena said.

Students also have the opportunity to learn more about their degree plan and meet students, staff and faculty. 

Hoggie Days also involves a tour around campus to show students where their classes will be held. The tour is led by a diverse group of orientation leaders who all come from different backgrounds to show students that everyone has a place on campus.

Students can ask questions from financial aid to major changes and find answers during the orientation event.

“It is important that we attend Hoggie Days because we are there to grow our organization in a positive and inclusive matter whether you are Catholic or not. It’s always a nice feeling to meet new students who are interested in learning more about your organization and even becoming excited for it,” President of Student Catholic Organization Jenisah Tejeda said.  

One of the most interactive activities of Hoggie Days is being able to attend the student organization fair and learn more about the different clubs on campus.

“I believe Hoggie Days did prepare me for the upcoming semester. If I had to rate Hoggie Days’ ability to prepare students for the next semester on a scale of 10, it would be an eight out of 10,” Computer Science major Ivan Moreno said. 

 Moreno is an incoming freshman who attended Hoggie Days on June 22, which had an attendance of about 150 incoming students 

“My favorite part about Hoggie Days was when I got to hang out with people that I was already familiar with; also, when I registered for classes. [As for the student organization fair] there was one or two organizations I was interested in joining. I liked the member’s enthusiasm about their club,” Moreno said. 

Hoggie Days continues throughout the summer inviting new students to campus. For more information visit https://www.tamuk.edu/hoggiedays/index.html.