How to Adult: Shopping for your sweetheart

Sometimes a gift can say what words cannot

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and more than likely, you’ve got someone special that you’d like to treat to a nice gift or date. That’s all well and good but it can be difficult to pin down the perfect gift to show that you care. It’s easy for someone to figure out what they want for themselves but it can be just as simple to figure out what someone else would like. It all boils down to understanding who you’re buying for.

For Valentine’s Day, odds are you’re buying for someone important to you. With that in mind, you already have many good ideas for gifts but haven’t realized it. That or you’re unsure about them. 

If someone is special to you then you already know a lot about them. You know their interests, their hobbies and even their curiosities.

If you need more information, you can just ask them some questions about the things they enjoy. Sometimes people like to talk about their interests when prompted so it should be easy to learn more by doing that. 

A good and subtle question to ask is if there’s anything new happening within their interests. They might even tell you about a specific thing that they want but can’t justify getting for themselves. You can never go wrong with buying a gift related to someone’s favorite things in life.

However, if you want to majorly surprise someone, you can give a gift based on a hobby or series that they’ve never gotten into but had shown genuine interest for. If you know the person well enough to see that they’d enjoy something they passed on, then that’d make for a well thought out gift. Receiving something based on your interests is nice but there’s a real charm to getting something completely unexpected that can show how much the gift giver understands you.

If you’re hopelessly desperate to find a gift, you can just ask someone directly to see what they want. It’s not the best way to find out what to buy and it ruins the mystery that comes with a present. You could also check to see if they have a viewable wish list online. Just be sure you’re not spending more than you reasonably should for a gift.

Love is in the air but be sure to spare some of it for your wallet. It’s nice to give someone a gift they’ll adore but it’s not good to do it in a way that puts you in an uncomfortable spot. Set a limit for yourself when looking around. 

Make it flexible though because sometimes you find that one genuinely perfect gift and it’s only a little bit more than what you anticipated spending. Keep all this in mind and you should be able to find that perfect gift for your partner.