Man on the Street: Can a person be too old to trick or treat?

Man On The Street

This Week’s Question:

Can a person be too old to trick or treat?

Kany Drame MOTS

Name: Kany Drame

Major: Sociology

“You are never too old to trick or treat. No one is too old to dress up their Halloween best and go get some candy, even if you can’t chew it. I don’t really have a big Halloween spirit, but I just really believe that you should be able to do what you want.”

Lue Gonzalez MOTS

Name: Lue Gonzalez

Major: Communications

“Honestly, I don’t think anybody is ever too old, as long as you’re in the teen age I feel, so like 19 might even be the limit. I feel like it gives kids something to do instead of being out on the streets doing drugs or other bad things. I’d rather a kid come to my door and ask for candy than to ask me to buy them beer or something.”

Mikaira Rheubottom MOTS


Mikaira Rheubottom

Major: English

“Here’s my perspective, I do believe that there is a certain point in your life where you have to give that up to be 100 percent honest with you. We’re not talking about Halloween festivities or parties, we’re talking about strictly trick-or-treating. The concept of going door-to-door asking people for something should be cut off at a certain age. However, if you do decide to trick-or-treat as an adult around 19 or 20, you must wear a costume.”

Joe Slazar MOTS


Joe Salazar

Major: Mechanical Engineering

“I don’t think you’re ever too old as long as you’re not creepy about it. It’s okay if you’re good around kids. It’s creepy when you’re wearing something that’s a little too revealing for children, and if you’re dressed to scary for the children to handle.”