Athletic Committee organizes Trunk or Treat Event

  Trick or treating these days is a bigger worry for parents. At Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) , the Continuing Education Department and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) teamed up to give back to the community by ensuring parents their children can have a safe Halloween experience at TAMUK’s annual Trunk or Treat event held Monday.

   “It’s an idea to bring the community onto campus …and show that we support the city of Kingsville,” said athletic trainer and SAAC adviser Julie Oberriter.

Photo courtesy of Madeline Maltais

University Boulevard is where many outside events are hosted and happened to be perfect for the Trunk or Treat event as well.

“SAAC wants the community to have a safe place for their trick or treating. They can interact with the athletes, get candy and even enter a costume contest. Each sports team is decorating the trunk of a vehicle to park on University Boulevard and pass out candy to the children,said track thrower and SAAC president Madeleine Maltais.

Photo courtesy of Julie Oberriter

There were plenty of parents, children, and young adults all along the boulevard enjoying themselves in the spirit of Halloween and from the looks of the turnout, the event was a success.

    TAMUK strong safety Sean Landez was out at the event supporting SAAC and the Trunk or Treat event as well.

“We just want to see all the smiles and costumes and creativity that Kingsville has to offer….It’s actually been an annual thing as long as I’ve been here and in SAAC the last two years…and it’s been a great turnout each year,” said Landez.