Amy Coney Barrett is no RBG

A divided Senate on Monday launched the confirmation hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to take the seat of liberal and feminist icon, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Once again, the Supreme Court finds itself in an unwelcome political spotlight. The lives of millions of people will be impacted based on this decision. With Barret in mind, the Supreme Court is looking to take a sharp right turn that could last decades in areas such as abortion, religious liberty and LGBTQ rights.

Amy Coney Barrett is no Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She will likely reverse everything Ginsburg fought for and advocated so tirelessly throughout her lifetime. 

Justice Ginsburg’s greatest impact as a feminist and progressive thinker was to create equality amongst gender. She founded several programs that enabled women to reach a more equal platform against men and won five out of six gender discrimination cases. However, Barrett could undo all of Ginsburg’s lifetime work.

The Senate already has a five-justice conservative majority, and if Barrett is confirmed the conservatives will have an advantage with a six-judge majority on the nine-justice court.

The hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court is unethical. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell refused for almost a year to hold hearings on President Obama’s nominee, but was quick to schedule Barrett despite the election only weeks away. 

Trump’s promise to replace RBG’s seat on the Supreme Court only days after the justice’s death was disrespectful to the millions of individuals who view RBG as an icon and a giant in the law.

The push to approve of Barrett by the Senate will end the time of a progressive era and hinder the future of America. 

The only thing that can save the country is to vote Democratic during the next presidential election.