Work, winding down causing woes

In these strange times it seems to keep getting harder to escape reality for a bit. Now that we are taking online classes from home, our worlds have collided and it may be hard to separate the two. 

Now we are taking tests in the same place we normally relax. 

All of our spaces that we usually retire to have become work spaces and while it is good that we are comfortable in our workspaces, it can hinder our ability to wind down after a long day.

 Lately it seems that I have been busier than ever and I have not been doing that great of a job taking care of myself. 

I know that I’m not alone as I know that my friends feel the same. There are several things you can do to avoid feelings like that but I think one of the biggest things that I have been trying to practice is not to worry so much. 

It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed when you have a very long to-do list. You should try and organize your to-do list from most important to things to those than can wait a little longer. 

Although you should always try your best at everything you must learn to take breaks and breathe. 

Never put anything above your health. Ever. Causing yourself to stress and worry about things that are out of your control will drive you insane. 

So why waste your time? 

If you have a hectic schedule, which is about to be everyone since midterms are coming up and you are stressing about due dates, studying and how you are going to get everything done – take a second to gather your thoughts. 

Try and let go of everything you can’t control and focus on the things you can like how hard you work. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now in the semester you are not alone, don’t worry. You got this.