Progress is a product of action

Life is a game of moving forward and making progress. But sometimes, it feels like you’re going nowhere. You decide to do something, but never do. You decide to go somewhere, but never arrive. Decisions mean nothing, until you make the move. 

First off, there is no perfect time to spring into action. If you know that you’ve been driving in circles and you want to break the cycle, the time is now. If a discomfort with your present situation has you hopping back and forth between what could have been and what could be, the time is now. Life is not waiting to throw you the perfect opportunity. Any flaws you see in the timing, are just ways to justify your excuse for not doing it. I know you should have sprung into action a year ago, but the next best time to do it is right now. 

Fear is inevitable. Even the most courageous and confident people have things that make them uneasy. Courage is doing something in spite of fear. Confidence is a direct by-product of courage. ACT with courage, and you will gain confidence in your process. 

There is nothing that drives success like great failure. 

You will take shots that fall short. You will get knocked down in the dirt. 

But failures only define you if you allow them to. 

If you take a shot at something and miss, take a step back, learn what you can from it and take another shot. The only way to fail, is to stop trying. 

As the book of Proverbs states, “Pride comes before a fall.” So, leave your ego at the door. The way forward is a learning process. The mentors, friends, lovers and gatekeepers have no time for someone who thinks they know it all already. Be humble. Be appreciative of the opportunities you are presented. Be respectful and make the most of what you are given. 

Go have that conversation that you’ve been putting off. Throw your running shoes on and go for a jog. Head to the bar or the coffee shop and make new friends. Take the weekend trip you’ve been promising yourself. 

Take the first step towards living the life you want.