Trump Sickens the Nation

The day President Trump was taken to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center seeking COVID-19 treatment, 840 Americans died due to the virus.

The President received experimental COVID medications, transfusions and steroids to help him fight the virus, but where was the rush to save the more than 200,000 Americans who have died because of the pandemic?

The experimental antibody treatment that Trump has now coined as the “cure” was developed using cells from human fetal tissue, a research technique he has sought to limit under his administration.

Trump’s failure to take action early has caused the lives of thousands of Americans. His refusal to endorse wearing a mask at the beginning of the pandemic worsened the COVID-19 outbreak in America and caused numbers to skyrocket. 

 He ignorantly refused to acknowledge the severity of the virus and led his supporters to believe the deadly virus was a hoax. It is his lack of interest for the health of Americans that has resulted in an increase of COVID-19 fatalities throughout the world.

Even after testing positive for COVID-19, President Trump continues to diminish the severity of the deadly virus. However, he fails to acknowledge that not everyone is as privileged as he is. Not everyone can hop on their helicopter to a state-of-the-art medical center and be fueled with experimental drugs like he was. 

He condescends the global issue in his Twitter account. Encouraging his followers that the pandemic is not as deadly as portrayed by the media.

“Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed under the Trump administration, some really great drugs and knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago,” President Trump tweeted. 

While thousands of Americans died alone and isolated in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, President Trump was parading and waving to his fans. He was quick to seek treatment, but tells the rest of America not to go to hospital until it can no longer be controlled at home.

This leads us to question where the health of Americans lands on his list of priorities, or if it’s even on his list.