The real drag – and it ain’t the queens

What a relief. What a relief to know that Texas clearly has its priorities straight proposing to ban drag shows in the presence of minors two weeks after 19 children and two teachers fell victim to gun violence in the state. 

House of Representative member Bryan Slaton called a drag show “horrific” and “disturbing in which perverted adults are obsessed with sexualizing young children.” 

This drag show proposal came after Mr.Misster, a bar in Dallas, hosted a family friendly pride month drag show and encouraged families to bring their children in hopes of fundraising to help queer kids and normalize all forms of gender expression. 

The drag show included drag queens dressed in kid-friendly costumes, performing Disney songs and inviting children to dance on stage and show off their runway skills, if they felt comfortable doing so. 

Unlike the state, the drag show wanted children to feel accepted, safe and included. 

In his proposal, Slaton also mentioned how he would fight to protect Texas kids by defending them from inappropriate events. 

News flash Slaton, an elementary school shooting might be an innapropriate event that you maybe want to look into a bit more to protect your beloved children, that is,  if you really mean what you said. 

Slaton also stated that he looks forward to passing this “important legislation.” 

Texas just watched a heartbreaking tragedy unfold right before their eyes that families are still trying to fathom and probably will never recover from, but yet you think the so-called harmfulness of drag shows is what the state should be focusing on right now? 

Texas has made it very clear where its intentions lie regarding their children. 

You would think it’s to protect them, especially after what just occurred, but you’re sadly mistaken.

Just this year, Texas has targeted transgender rights by declaring gender-affirming health care for minors as a form of child abuse and banning trans kids from participating on sports teams that align with their chosen identity. 

It’s hysterical how lawmakers think drag queens are the real threat to our children, and not –  I’m not sure this is just off the top of my head – semi-automatic rifles and handguns in the hands of adolescents. 

Even though drag queens hold the title, let’s face it. The real drag is the avoidance of extremely clear and solvable issues regarding the access to weapons of war and the absence of action from our very own politicians and legislators.

Wake up politicians. Get your priorities straight Texas. Focus on all the horrific evidence that’s staring right at you, if you choose to open your eyes, to figure out what’s really hurting this state’s children, because let’s face it, it’s not drag shows.