The reality of outgrowing friendships  

I used to always think that having more friends and friendships were always good in the end. I would always tell myself in high school that the more friends I have, the more connections that I am building within those friendships.  

Moving into a college in a small town four hours from home was a challenge, to say the least. Leaving people I grew up with my entire life from kindergarten to high school, to the last goodbye was not the most exciting part of moving away. But there comes a time that life is going to move on without them.  

People in college have shown me that your hometown friends are not always going to be there for you compared to people that you met two seconds ago. They will be there for you in a heartbeat. Coming into college you are surrounded by older people that have a different mentality from what you have grown up with your entire life.  

Many people don’t grow out of the life that they have always grown up around and many of them think that the life that they are in right now is all they have going for them. Despite this, the world is so big that if people are willing to learn and grow through the experience, life could be more successful in the end.  

Outgrowing those that are there just for the use of you and feeding off of you can be draining in the end because at the end of the day, you yourself, are not gaining anything from the friendship. People at the end of the day will come and go and there are many more people out there who are willing to grow and show you more than people you have known for years.  

Moving on from those that you have known for years can be very beneficial for you as it allows you to open different doors and see more than what those you have known for years have shown you.