Mom vs. higher education 

Being a student and a parent simultaneously is a highly arduous and challenging undertaking that requires much time, effort and dedication to manage both roles successfully. Juggling coursework, exams, attending classes, and caring for a baby can affect a student’s mental and physical health. As a college student with a baby, I have experienced firsthand the stresses and challenges of this responsibility. 

One of the biggest challenges in today’s fast-paced world is scheduling doctor appointments. The baby’s health requires they attend regular check-ups, but these appointments can be difficult to fit around classes and other responsibilities. I often have to schedule appointments during my free time, which can sometimes mean excluding myself from social events or study groups. Finding childcare when I have my own appointments can also be a struggle, as many childcare facilities do not offer short-term care. 

Attending classes can also be challenging, especially if the baby is fussy or needs attention during class time. I have had to miss classes or leave early due to my baby’s needs, impacting my ability to complete coursework and engage in class discussions. Concentrating during class can also be difficult if I am worried about the baby’s well-being or sleep-deprived from taking care of the baby during the night. 

Furthermore, balancing coursework, baby care, and other personal responsibilities can be an immense challenge, requiring great organization and time management skills. On top of attending classes and studying for exams, I have to ensure the baby is fed, changed, and entertained. It means that I often have to prioritize tasks and make sacrifices, such as skipping social events or cutting back on hours at work. 

Overall, being a student with a child can be a demanding and challenging experience. It requires careful planning, prioritization, and support from family, friends and professors. I still believe that student-parents can succeed academically while caring for their children with the proper support and resources. Therefore, colleges should offer resources and accommodations for students with children, such as on-campus childcare and flexible scheduling options.