How to Adult: Holidays are better with your friends

Host a fabulous friendsgiving

Friendsgiving is a fresh take on Thanksgiving where you celebrate the holiday with your friends, and it can be a fun way to spend time with each other. First, choose a date that works for you and your friends. Then, invite your friends to join in the celebration. You can create a group chat or send individual messages to invite them. Make sure to ask for RSVPs so you can plan accordingly. Next, plan the menu. Decide on the dishes you want to serve or have people bring. Traditional Thanksgiving dishes like turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce are always a hit, but feel free to get creative and include dishes that reflect your own tastes and preferences. Before the big day, prepare your space. Clean and declutter your place to create a welcoming environment. You can also add some festive decorations like fall-themed tablecloths, centerpieces, and candles. Consider setting up a cozy seating area where your friends can relax and mingle. On the day of the Friendsgiving, set the table. Arrange the table with plates, utensils, napkins, and glasses. You can use your best dinnerware or go for a more casual and laid-back vibe with disposable plates and cutlery. Finally, it’s time to cook and enjoy. Unless, of course you want to have a potluck style Friendsgiving. Otherwise, start preparing the dishes in advance, especially if you’re making a turkey. Once everything is cooked and ready, gather around the table, say a few words of gratitude and enjoy the delicious food together.

Remember, Friendsgiving is all about spending quality time with your friends and creating lasting memories. Have fun, relax, and enjoy the company of your loved ones.