The future of female fitness

Getting into physical exercise is a hobby we college students strive to get into.

However, the gyms we go to are often overcrowded with men or too intimidating to even get started.

The positive influence of women-only gyms and designated areas have been proven beneficial in some regions and should be expanded to all locations.  

 I have personally tried to get into the hobby of working out for the past four semesters and have had to restart my goals because of inconsistency.

When I show up to the gym, I consistently find that all the machines are being used, making it difficult to learn how to use them properly or complete my workout sets.  

If you have visited the Student Recreational Center on campus, you might have noticed me spending most of my time on the top floor because it is the only section in which I feel comfortable.

Many other women I have spoken to feel the same way. Unfortunately, the equipment available in that area is limited.  

Some may argue that we could just get up at an earlier time, or “get used to it,” but I think an all-women’s area with the right resources could be beneficial.   

This would allow women to maintain a healthy lifestyle while being in her comfort zone. We could learn from each other, feel safe to wear comfortable gym wear, and feel without judgement.  

While I am not sure how long the rest of the fitness community will get accustomed to making safe spaces, it would be nice to see if this university would do so.