Review: The Iron Claw shows audience new version of Efron

Heartbreaking story worth the tears and tissues

 The cinematic world is growing and improving. When it comes to movies, I tend to be the biggest critic because of the high expectations I have. “The Iron Claw” movie was presented to me by a friend, and she was going on and on about how the movie was insanely good. I decided to watch it and hoped to have a great experience like hers.

Movies like A24 have brought the cinematic world to their upbringing. Almost every movie I have seen produced by A24 has not failed me. “The Iron Claw” captures the raw intense moments a family goes through in the wrestling world. It is devasting that this movie was based on real events and that Kevin Von Erich had a dejected life. 

This movie kept me engaged the entire time. I am not a big fan of wrestling and the world it entails, but I experienced every emotion during the movie. “The Iron Claw” is about brothers who have been raised to succeed. If they failed, their father showed no interest. Their dad only cared about a championship title and didn’t care what state his sons were in. This movie teaches you that your siblings will do anything for you no matter what. 

There is something special about sibling love and I didn’t think a movie was able to capture this until I watched this one.

Zac Efron did an exceptional job in this movie and more people need to recognize that. He started on Disney Channel for a musical movie and now he is in a leading role in a possible award-winning movie. “The Iron Claw” is a must-see movie, but make sure to bring a tissue because you’re going to need it.